Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello World!

Hi!!! oh wow this font is horrible in such a large size
ahhh that's better, sans-serif, I feel so much lighter
anyway, Hi! I'm writing a blog! first time EVER! (as my Dad would say...he thinks he's making fun of people my age, but really he's just started to talk like us) So, I've been a bit nervous about writing a blog, but now, a year after creating this blog, I'm ready to write my first post....
For now I'll just describe the kind of blog that I'd like this to be. I'd really like to explore graphic design (and maybe other types of design) through this blog, I'd like to praise good design, beat down bad design and have discussions about all kinds of design. So start reading, comment, and send me the links to your design blogs so that we can hash out the kind of design that really catches the viewers eye.


  1. Nice Blog!

    I'll start by praising this blog's design: I like it!

  2. yay :) love it!!
    can't wait to read them all!


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